
List of the vehicles

Germany private carriers

Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

««1234 ··· 7»»
Model Serial type Works number ID number Built Written off Depot Note
111 005 111 19742 91 80 6111 005-5 D-DB 1975 04.2014 BOB rented from DB Regio
111 017 111 19754 91 80 6111 017-0 D-ZUG 1975 Other Helrom GmbH
111 019 111 19756 91 80 6111 019-6 D-DB 1976 04.2014 BOB rented from DB Regio
111 021 111 19758 91 80 6111 021-2 D-DB 1976 04.2014 BOB rented from DB Regio
111 025 111 19762 91 80 6111 025-3 D-TFT 1976 Other Train4Train GmbH
111 027 111 19764 91 80 6111 027-9 D-TRAIN 1976 TRI Train Rental
111 029 111 19766 91 80 6111 029-5 D-RADVE 1976 RADVE
111 036 111 19773 91 80 6111 036-0 D-BYB 1976 BYB
111 044 111 31890 91 80 6111 044-4 D-DB 1975 04.2014 BOB rented from DB Regio
111 046 111 31892 91 80 6111 046-9 D-DB 1975 04.2014 BOB rented from DB Regio
111 049 111 31895 91 80 6111 049-3 D-DB 1975 04.2014 BOB rented from DB Regio
111 049 111 31895 91 80 6111 049-3 D-GfF 1975 Other Gesellschaft für Fahrzeugtechnik mbH (GfF)
111 051 111 31897 91 80 6111 051-9 D-DB 1976 04.2014 BOB rented from DB Regio
111 054 111 31900 91 80 6111 054-3 D-TRI 1976 TRI Train Rental
111 056 111 31902 91 80 6111 056-8 D-GfE 1976 Other Gesellschaft für Fahrzeugtechnik mbH
111 057 111 31903 91 80 6111 057-6 D-ZUG 1976 smart rail
111 065 111 31911 91 80 6111 065-9 D-ZUG 1976 Other Rail Bavaria Logistik GmbH
111 066 111 31912 91 80 6111 066-7 D-ZUG 1976 smart rail
111 075 111 19833 91 80 6111 075-8 D-ZUG 1977 Other Helrom GmbH
111 080 111 19838 91 80 6111 080-0 D-ZUG 1978 Other Helrom GmbH
111 082 111 19840 91 80 6111 082-4 D-RADVE 1978 RADVE
111 088 111 5425/8967 91 80 6111 088-1 D-ZUG 1977 Other
111 094 111 5431/8973 91 80 6111 094-9 D-ZUG 1978 Other Helrom GmbH
111 107 111 32160 91 80 6111 107-9 D-ZUG 1978 Other Rail Bavaria Logistik GmbH
111 108 111 32161 91 80 6111 108-7 D-ZUG 1978 smart rail
111 112 111 19844 91 80 6111 112-9 D-TRI 1978 TRI Train Rental
111 130 111 5442/8984 91 80 6111 130-1 D-TRAIN 1979 TRI Train Rental
111 180 111 19900 91 80 6111 180-6 D-ZUG 1983 smart rail
111 183 111 19903 91 80 6111 182-2 D-TRAIN 1983 TRI Train Rental
111 185 111 5502/9017 91 80 6111 185-5 D-SVG 1983 Other Schienenverkehrsgesellschaft mbH
111 198 111 5509/9024 91 80 6111 198-8 D-ZUG 1982 smart rail
111 200 111 5511/9026 91 80 6111 200-2 D-GfF 1982 Other Gesellschaft für Fahrzeugtechnik mbH
111 207 111 32554 91 80 6111 207-7 D-TFT 1983 Other Train4Train GmbH
111 210 111 32557 91 80 6111 210-1 D-RADVE 1983 RADVE
111 213 111 19920 91 80 6111 213-5 D-ZUG 1984 smart rail
111 215 111 19922 91 80 6111 215-0 D-RADVE 1984 RADVE
111 216 111 19923 91 80 6111 216-8 D-ZUG 1984 smart rail
111 222 111 5560 91 80 6111 222-6 D-RADVE 1984 RADVE
111 223 111 32753 91 80 6111 223-4 D-ZUG 1984 smart rail
111 226 111 32756 91 80 6111 226-7 D-ZUG 1984 smart rail
112 141 112 (212) BR 112.1 21558 9180 6 112 141-7 D-WFL 1994 WFL
120 102 120 BR 120.1 5567 91 80 6120 102-9 D-BLC 1987 Other Bahnlogistik24 GmbH
120 104 120 BR 120.1 32882 91 80 6120 104-5 D-SEL 1987 Other Martin Schlünß Eisenbahnlogistik
120 111 120 BR 120.1 5570 91 80 6120 111-0 D-SEL 1987 Other Martin Schlünß Eisenbahnlogistik
120 119 120 BR 120.1 32887 91 80 6120 119-3 D-BLC 1987 Other Bahnlogistik24 GmbH
120 120 120 BR 120.1 5573 91 80 6120 120-1 D-BLC 1987 Other Bahnlogistik24 GmbH
120 127 120 BR 120.1 19958 91 80 6120 127-6 D-BLC 1987 Other Bahnlogistik24 GmbH
120 134 120 BR 120.1 19960 91 80 6120 134-2 D-SEL 1988 Other Martin Schlünß Eisenbahnlogistik
120 143 120 BR 120.1 32895 91 80 6120 143-3 D-SEL 1988 Other Martin Schlünß Eisenbahnlogistik
120 144 120 BR 120.1 5581 91 80 6120 144-1 D-SEL 1988 Other Martin Schlünß Eisenbahnlogistik
120 145 120 BR 120.1 19964 91 80 6120 145-8 D-WRSCH 1988 Other WRS Deutschland GmbH
120 154 120 BR 120.1 19967 91 80 6120 154-0 D-WRSCH 1988 Other WRS Deutschland GmbH
120 201 120 BR 120.2 32886 91 80 6120 201-9 D-BLC 1987 Other Bahnlogistik24 GmbH
120 204 120 BR 120.2 32890 91 80 6120 204-3 D-WRSCH 1987 Other WRS Deutschland GmbH
120 205 120 BR 120.2 19956 91 80 6120 205-0 D-BLC 1987 Other Bahnlogistik24 GmbH
120 502 120 BR 120.5 19969 91 80 6120 160-7 D-SVG 1989 Other Schienenverkehrsgesellschaft mbH
V200.005 120* (M62) 3428 92 51 3 630 241-9 PL-PPMT 1979 2005 PEG
143 001-6 143 (243) 16323 91 80 6143 001-6 D-EKO 1982 02.2021 AMEH TRANS
212 001-2 143 (243) 16323 91 80 6143 001-6 D-DELTA 1982 DELTA
143 019 143 (243) 18242 91 80 6143 019-8 D-WFL 1984 WFL
143 020 143 (243) 18243 91 80 6143 020-6 D-MEG 1984 03.2017 MEG
143 020 143 (243) 18243 91 80 6143 020-6 D-MEG 1984 10.2019 MEG
143 020 143 (243) 18243 91 80 6143 020-6 D-MEG 1984 07.2020 MEG
143 020 143 (243) 18243 91 80 6143 020-6 D-SLRS 1984 Other Salzland Rail Service GmbH
143 040 143 (243) 18421 91 80 6143 040-4 D-WEE 1985 Other Weser Ems Eisenbahn GmbH
143 050 143 (243) 18431 91 80 6143 050-3 D-DB 1985 10.2018 DELTA rented from DB Regio
143 055 143 (243) 18436 91 80 6143 055-2 D-DB 1985 10.2020 DELTA rented from DB Regio
143 056 143 (243) 18437 91 80 6143 056-0 D-FWK 1985 Other Fahrzeugwerk Karsdorf GmbH & Co. KG
243 069-2 143 (243) 18450 91 80 6143 069-3 D-DELTA 1985 DELTA
143 120 143 (243) 18496 91 80 6143 120-4 D-DB 1986 12.2017 DELTA rented from DB Regio
143 120 143 (243) 18496 91 80 6143 120-4 D-DB 1986 05.2020 Other Salzland Rail Service GmbH; rented from DB Regio
143 124 143 (243) 18500 91 80 6143 124-6 D-FWK 1986 Other Fahrzeugwerk Karsdorf GmbH & Co. KG
143 137 143 (243) 18513 91 80 6143 137-8 D-DB 1986 12.2018 Other Bahnlogistik24 GmbH; rented from DB Cargo
143 138 143 (243) 18514 91 80 6143 138-6 D-DB 1986 07.2022 Other Salzland Rail Service GmbH; rented from DB Regio
143 143 143 (243) 18519 91 80 6143 143-6 D-FWK 1986 Other Fahrzeugwerk Karsdorf GmbH & Co. KG
243 145-0 143 (243) 18521 91 80 6143 145-1 D-DELTA 1986 DELTA
143 173 143 (243) 18922 91 80 6143 173-3 D-WEE 1986 Other Weser Ems Eisenbahn GmbH (WEE)
143 175 143 (243) 18924 91 80 6143 175-8 D-SLRS 1986 Other Salzland Rail Service GmbH (SLRS)
143 176 143 (243) 18925 91 80 6143 176-6 D-DB 1986 2020 DELTA rented from DB Regio
143 176 143 (243) 18925 91 80 6143 176-6 D-DB 1986 06.2022 Other Netzwerkbahn Sachsen GmbH; rented from DB Regio
143 176 143 (243) 18925 91 80 6143 176-6 D-DB 1986 09.2022 Other Widmer Rail Service; rented from DB Regio
243 179-9 143 (243) 18928 91 80 6143 179-0 D-DELTA 1986 DELTA
143 232-7 143 (243) 20115 1987 02.2006 MEG rented from DB Regio
143 257 143 (243) 20140 91 80 6143 257-4 D-SLRS 1987 Other Salzland Rail Service GmbH
143 276 143 (243) 20159 91 80 6143 276-4 D-DB 1987 02.2018 DELTA rented from DB Regio
143 276 143 (243) 20159 91 80 6143 276-4 D-DB 1987 11.2019 Other Salzland Rail Service GmbH; rented from DB Regio
143 283 143 (243) 20166 91 80 6143 283-0 D-DB 1987 08.12.2020 DELTA rented from DB Regio
598 143 (243) 18953 91 80 6143 204-6 D-DB 1987 02.2006 MEG
601 143 (243) 18928 91 80 6143 179-0 D-MEG 1986 04.2019 MEG
602 143 (243) 18953 91 80 6143 204-6 D-MEG 1987 MEG
604 143 (243) 20140 91 80 6143 257-4 D-MEG 1987 07.2020 MEG
609 143 (243) 18924 91 80 6143 175-8 D-MEG 1986 07.2020 MEG
243 972-7 143 (243) 20971 91 80 6143 972-8 D-DELTA 1989 DELTA Baptismal name: Emma
155 110 155 (250) 91 80 6155 110-0 D-WFL 1979 WFL
181 215-5 181 (E310) 5281 1974 Other Schlünß Eisenbahnlogistik (SEL); аренда Nordliner Gesellschaft für Eisenbahnverkehr
229 100-3 219 (119) 1981 Other
301 219 (119) 1982 MEG
302 219 (119) 1984 MEG
223 061 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21154 92 80 1 223 061-3 D-VBG 2007 11.2015 DLB alex
223 061 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21154 92 80 1 223 061-3 D-DLB 2007 DLB alex
223 062 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21157 92 80 1 223 062-1 D-VBG 2007 2015 DLB alex
223 062 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21157 92 80 1 223 062-1 D-DLB 2007 12.2020 DLB alex
223 063 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21451 92 80 1 223 063-9 D-VBG 2007 11.2015 DLB alex
223 063 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21451 92 80 1 223 063-9 D-DLB 2007 DLB alex
223 064 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21452 92 80 1 223 064-7 D-VBG 2007 11.2015 DLB alex
223 064 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21452 92 80 1 223 064-7 D-DLB 2007 DLB alex
223 065 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21453 92 80 1 223 065-4 D-VBG 2007 11.2015 DLB alex
223 065 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21453 92 80 1 223 065-4 D-DLB 2007 DLB alex
223 066 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21454 92 80 1 223 066-2 D-VBG 2007 11.2015 DLB alex
223 066 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21454 92 80 1 223 066-2 D-DLB 2007 DLB alex
223 067 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21455 92 80 1 223 067-0 D-VBG 2007 11.2015 DLB alex
223 067 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21455 92 80 1 223 067-0 D-DLB 2007 DLB alex
223 068 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21456 92 80 1 223 068-8 D-VBG 2007 11.2015 DLB alex
223 068 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21456 92 80 1 223 068-8 D-DLB 2007 DLB alex
223 069 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21458 92 80 1 223 069-6 D-VBG 2007 11.2015 DLB alex
223 069 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21458 92 80 1 223 069-6 D-DLB 2007 DLB alex
223 070 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21460 92 80 1 223 070-4 D-VBG 2007 11.2015 DLB alex
223 070 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21460 92 80 1 223 070-4 D-DLB 2007 01.2023 DLB alex
223 070 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21460 92 80 1 223 070-4 D-DLB 2007 Other e.g.o.o. Eisenbahngesellschaft Ostfriesland-Oldenburg mbH
223 071 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21461 92 80 1 223 071-2 D-VBG 2007 11.2015 DLB alex
223 071 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21461 92 80 1 223 071-2 D-DLB 2007 DLB alex
223 072 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21459 92 80 1 223 072-0 D-VBG 2007 11.2015 DLB alex
223 072 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21459 92 80 1 223 072-0 D-DLB 2007 DLB alex
223 081 223 (Siemens Eurorunner) 21285 92 80 1 223 081-1 D-DLB 2007 DLB alex
772 414-5 79 (VT2.09) 12 1965 2016 Other Vorwohle-Emmerthaler Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH
440 101 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.1 1001 564 001 A1 94 80 0 440 101-4 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL
440 102 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.1 1001 564 002 A1 94 80 0 440 102-2 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL
440 103 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.1 1001 564 003 A1 94 80 0 440 103-0 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL
440 104 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.1 1001 564 004 A1 94 80 0 440 104-8 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL Baptismal name: Regensburg
440 105 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.1 1001 564 005 A1 94 80 0 440 105-5 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL
440 106 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.1 1001 564 006 A1 94 80 0 440 106-3 D-AGIE 2011 AGIL Baptismal name: Günzburg
440 107 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.1 1001 564 007 A1 94 80 0 440 107-1 D-AGIE 2011 AGIL
440 108 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.1 1001 564 008 A1 94 80 0 440 108-9 D-AGIE 2011 AGIL Baptismal name: Ulm
1440 201 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 001 A1 94 80 1440 201-0 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB; Baptismal name: Chemnitz
1440 202 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 002 A1 94 80 1440 202-8 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB; Baptismal name: Stadt Hof
1440 203 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 003 A1 94 80 1440 203-6 D-BOBy 2015 BOB MRB; Baptismal name: Stadt Plauen
1440 204 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 004 A1 94 80 1440 204-4 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 205 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 005 A1 94 80 1440 205-1 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 206 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 006 A1 94 80 1440 206-9 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 207 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 007 A1 94 80 1440 207-7 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 208 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 008 A1 94 80 1440 208-5 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 209 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 009 A1 94 80 1440 209-3 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 210 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 010 A1 94 80 1440 210-1 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 211 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 011 A1 94 80 1440 211-9 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 212 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 012 A1 94 80 1440 212-7 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 213 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 013 A1 94 80 1440 213-5 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 214 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 014 A1 94 80 1440 214-3 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 215 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 015 A1 94 80 1440 215-0 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 216 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.2 1001581 016 A1 94 80 1440 216-8 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 328 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 001 A1 94 80 1440 328-1 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 329 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 002 A1 94 80 1440 329-9 D-BOBy 2016 08.2022 BOB MRB
1440 329 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 002 A1 94 80 1440 329-9 D-BOBy 2016 12.2022 TDH rented from BOB
1440 329 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 002 A1 94 80 1440 329-9 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 330 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 003 A1 94 80 1440 330-7 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 331 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 004 A1 94 80 1440 331-5 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 332 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 005 A1 94 80 1440 332-3 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 333 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 006 A1 94 80 1440 333-1 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 334 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 007 A1 94 80 1440 334-9 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 335 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 008 A1 94 80 1440 335-6 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 336 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 008 A1 94 80 1440 336-4 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 337 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 010 A1 94 80 1440 337-2 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 338 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 011 A1 94 80 1440 338-0 D-BOBy 2016 08.2022 BOB MRB
1440 338 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 011 A1 94 80 1440 338-0 D-BOBy 2016 12.2022 TDH rented from BOB
1440 338 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 011 A1 94 80 1440 338-0 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 339 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 012 A1 94 80 1440 339-8 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
1440 340 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440.3 1001580 013 A1 94 80 1440 340-6 D-BOBy 2016 BOB MRB
440 401 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 001 A1 94 80 0 440 401-8 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL Baptismal name: Straubing
440 402 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 002 A1 94 80 0 440 402-6 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL Baptismal name: Saal a.d. Donau
440 403 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 003 A1 94 80 0 440 403-4 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL Baptismal name: Abensberg
440 404 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 004 A1 94 80 0 440 404-2 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL
440 405 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 005 A1 94 80 0 440 405-9 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL
440 406 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 006 A1 94 80 0 440 406-7 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL
440 407 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 007 A1 94 80 0 440 407-5 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL
440 408 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 008 A1 94 80 0 440 408-3 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL Baptismal name: Lauingen
440 409 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 009 A1 94 80 0 440 409-1 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL
440 410 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 010 A1 94 80 0 440 410-9 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL Baptismal name: Höchstädt a.d. Donau
440 411 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 011 A1 94 80 0 440 411-7 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL Baptismal name: Dillingen a.d. Donau
440 412 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 012 A1 94 80 0 440 412-5 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL
440 413 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 013 A1 94 80 0 440 413-3 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL
440 414 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 014 A1 94 80 0 440 414-1 D-AGIE 2010 AGIL
440 415 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 015 A1 94 80 0 440 415-8 D-AGIE 2011 AGIL Baptismal name: Gundelfingen a.d. Donau
440 416 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 016 A1 94 80 0 440 416-6 D-AGIE 2011 AGIL
440 417 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 017 A1 94 80 0 440 417-4 D-AGIE 2011 AGIL Baptismal name: Ingolstadt
440 418 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.4 1001 563 018 A1 94 80 0 440 418-2 D-AGIE 2011 AGIL
ET 440 335 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.3 9480 0 440 335-8 D-NWB 2010 NWB Regio-S-Bahn Bremen
ET 440 216 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.2 9480 0 440 216-0 D-NWB 2010 NWB Regio-S-Bahn Bremen
ET 440 221 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.2 9480 0 440 221-0 D-NWB 2010 NWB Regio-S-Bahn Bremen
ET 440 213 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.2 9480 0 440 213-7 D-NWB 2010 NWB Regio-S-Bahn Bremen
ET 440 339 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.3 9480 0 440 339-0 D-NWB 2010 NWB Regio-S-Bahn Bremen
ET 440 344 Alstom Coradia Continental BR 440.3 9480 0 440 344-0 D-NWB 2010 NWB Regio-S-Bahn Bremen
640 121 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 01001367-001 95 80 0640 121-9 D-HANS 2005 HANS
640 122 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 01001367-002 95 80 0640 122-7 D-HANS 2005 HANS
640 125 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 01001367-005 95 80 0640 125-0 D-HANS 2005 HANS
VT 201 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-001 95 80 0640 101-1 D-VCT 2004 01.2011 VCT
VT 201 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-001 95 80 0640 101-1 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 202 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-002 95 80 0640 102-9 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 202 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-002 95 80 0640 102-9 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 203 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-003 95 80 0640 103-7 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 203 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-003 95 80 0640 103-7 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 204 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-004 95 80 0640 104-5 D-VCT 2004 11.2011 VCT
VT 204 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-004 95 80 0640 104-5 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 205 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-005 95 80 0640 105-2 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 205 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-005 95 80 0640 105-2 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 206 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-006 95 80 0640 106-0 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 206 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-006 95 80 0640 106-0 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 207 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-007 95 80 0640 107-8 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 207 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-007 95 80 0640 107-8 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 208 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-008 95 80 0640 108-6 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 208 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-008 95 80 0640 108-6 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 209 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-009 95 80 0640 109-4 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 209 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-009 95 80 0640 109-4 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 210 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-010 95 80 0640 110-2 D-VCT 2004 11.2011 VCT
VT 210 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 1187-010 95 80 0640 110-2 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 870 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 01001367-001 95 80 0640 121-9 D-HEX 2005 12.2018 Transdev Sachsen-Anhalt
VT 871 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 01001367-002 95 80 0640 122-7 D-HEX 2005 12.2018 Transdev Sachsen-Anhalt
VT 872 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 01001367-003 95 80 0640 123-5 D-HEX 2005 2019 Transdev Sachsen-Anhalt
VT 873 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 01001367-004 95 80 0640 124-3 D-HEX 2005 2019 Transdev Sachsen-Anhalt
VT 874 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 01001367-005 95 80 0640 125-0 D-HEX 2005 12.2018 Transdev Sachsen-Anhalt
VT 875 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 01001367-006 95 80 0640 126-8 D-HEX 2005 2019 Transdev Sachsen-Anhalt
VT 876 Alstom Coradia LINT 27 01001367-007 95 80 0640 127-6 D-HEX 2005 2019 Transdev Sachsen-Anhalt
VT 2.71 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000574001 95 80 0648 145-0 D-AKN 2001 NBE
VT 2.72 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000574002 95 80 0648 146-8 D-AKN 2001 NBE
VT 2.73 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000574003 95 80 0648 147-6 D-AKN 2001 NBE
VT 2.74 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000574004 95 80 0648 148-4 D-AKN 2001 NBE Baptismal name: Segeberg
VT 2.75 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000574005 95 80 0648 149-2 D-AKN 2001 NBE Baptismal name: Büsumer Wattensprinter
VT 2.76 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000574006 95 80 0648 150-0 D-AKN 2003 NBE
VT 2.77 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 00012310-001 95 80 0648 144-3 D-AKN 2011 NBE
VT 4.01 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001043 001 95 80 0648 181-5 D-ERB 2003 12.2011 ERB
VT 4.02 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001043 002 95 80 0648 182-3 D-ERB 2003 12.2011 ERB
VT 4.03 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001043 003 95 80 0648 183-1 D-ERB 2003 12.2011 ERB
VT 4.04 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001043 004 95 80 0648 184-9 D-ERB 2003 12.2011 ERB
VT 4.05 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001043 005 95 80 0648 185-6 D-ERB 2003 12.2011 ERB
VT 4.06 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001043 006 95 80 0648 186-4 D-ERB 2003 12.2011 ERB
VT 4.07 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001043 007 95 80 0648 187-4 D-ERB 2003 12.2011 ERB
VT 4.08 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001043 008 95 80 0648 188-0 D-ERB 2003 12.2011 ERB
VT 4.09 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001043 009 95 80 0648 189-8 D-ERB 2003 12.2011 ERB
VT 4.10 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001043 010 95 80 0648 190-6 D-ERB 2003 12.2011 ERB
VT 4.11 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001043 011 95 80 0648 191-4 D-ERB 2003 12.2011 ERB
VT 11 001 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001439-001 95 80 0648 328-2 D-ABRN 2005 2014 ABRN
VT 11 002 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001439-002 95 80 0648 329-0 D-ABRN 2005 2014 ABRN
VT 11 003 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001439-003 95 80 0648 330-8 D-ABRN 2005 2014 ABRN
VT 12 001 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/001 95 80 1648 001-3 D-ABRN 2013 2014 ABRN
VT 12 002 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/002 95 80 1648 002-1 D-ABRN 2013 2014 ABRN
VT 12 003 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/003 95 80 1648 003-9 D-ABRN 2013 2014 ABRN
VT 12 004 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 10001440/004 95 80 1648 004-7 D-ABRN 2013 2014 ABRN
VT 12 005 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/005 95 80 1648 005-4 D-ABRN 2013 2014 ABRN
VT 12 006 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/006 95 80 1648 006-2 D-ABRN 2013 2014 ABRN
VT 12 007 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/007 95 80 1648 007-0 D-ABRN 2013 2014 ABRN Baptismal name: Remscheid
VT 12 008 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/008 95 80 1648 008-8 D-ABRN 2013 2014 ABRN
VT 12 009 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/009 95 80 1648 009-6 D-ABRN 2013 2014 ABRN
VT 12 11 01 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001439-001 95 80 0648 328-2 D-ABRN 2005 ABRN
VT 12 11 02 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001439-002 95 80 0648 329-0 D-ABRN 2005 ABRN
VT 12 11 03 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001439-003 95 80 0648 330-8 D-ABRN 2005 ABRN
VT 12 12 01 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/001 95 80 1648 001-3 D-ABRN 2013 02.2022 ABRN
VT 12 12 02 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/002 95 80 1648 002-1 D-ABRN 2013 02.2022 ABRN
VT 12 12 03 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/003 95 80 1648 003-9 D-ABRN 2013 02.2022 ABRN
VT 12 12 04 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 10001440/004 95 80 1648 004-7 D-ABRN 2013 02.2022 ABRN
VT 12 12 05 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/005 95 80 1648 005-4 D-ABRN 2013 02.2022 ABRN
VT 12 12 06 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/006 95 80 1648 006-2 D-ABRN 2013 02.2022 ABRN
VT 12 12 07 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/007 95 80 1648 007-0 D-ABRN 2013 02.2022 ABRN Baptismal name: Remscheid
VT 12 12 08 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/008 95 80 1648 008-8 D-ABRN 2013 02.2022 ABRN
VT 12 12 09 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/009 95 80 1648 009-6 D-ABRN 2013 02.2022 ABRN
VT 12 12 01 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/001 95 80 1648 001-3 D-VIASR 2013 12.2023 VIAS
VT 12 12 02 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/002 95 80 1648 002-1 D-VIASR 2013 12.2023 VIAS
VT 12 12 03 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/003 95 80 1648 003-9 D-VIASR 2013 12.2023 VIAS
VT 12 12 04 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 10001440/004 95 80 1648 004-7 D-VIASR 2013 12.2023 VIAS
VT 12 12 05 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/005 95 80 1648 005-4 D-VIASR 2013 12.2023 VIAS
VT 12 12 06 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/006 95 80 1648 006-2 D-VIASR 2013 12.2023 VIAS
VT 12 12 07 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/007 95 80 1648 007-0 D-VIASR 2013 12.2023 VIAS Baptismal name: Remscheid
VT 12 12 08 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/008 95 80 1648 008-8 D-VIASR 2013 12.2023 VIAS
VT 12 12 09 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/009 95 80 1648 009-6 D-VIASR 2013 12.2023 VIAS
VT 12 12 01 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/001 95 80 1648 001-3 D-TDRR 2013 TDRR
VT 12 12 02 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/002 95 80 1648 002-1 D-TDRR 2013 TDRR
VT 12 12 03 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/003 95 80 1648 003-9 D-TDRR 2013 TDRR
VT 12 12 04 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 10001440/004 95 80 1648 004-7 D-TDRR 2013 TDRR
VT 12 12 05 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/005 95 80 1648 005-4 D-TDRR 2013 TDRR
VT 12 12 06 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/006 95 80 1648 006-2 D-TDRR 2013 TDRR
VT 12 12 07 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/007 95 80 1648 007-0 D-TDRR 2013 TDRR Baptismal name: Remscheid
VT 12 12 08 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/008 95 80 1648 008-8 D-TDRR 2013 TDRR
VT 12 12 09 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001440/009 95 80 1648 009-6 D-TDRR 2013 TDRR
VT 101 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001000884-001 95 80 0648 171-6 D-EVB 2003 EVB
VT 102 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001000884-002 95 80 0648 172-4 D-EVB 2003 EVB
VT 103 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001000884-003 95 80 0648 173-2 D-EVB 2003 EVB
VT 104 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001000884-004 95 80 0648 174-0 D-EVB 2003 EVB
VT 105 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001000884-005 95 80 0648 175-7 D-EVB 2003 EVB
VT 106 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001000884-006 95 80 0648 176-5 D-EVB 2003 EVB
VT 107 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001000884-007 95 80 0648 177-3 D-EVB 2003 EVB
VT 108 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001000884-008 95 80 0648 178-1 D-EVB 2003 EVB
VT 109 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001000884-009 95 80 0648 179-9 D-EVB 2003 EVB
VT 110 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000880-001 95 80 0648 194-8 D-EVB 2003 EVB
VT 111 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000880-002 95 80 0648 195-5 D-EVB 2003 EVB
VT 112 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000880-003 95 80 0648 196-3 D-EVB 2003 2024 EVB
VT 113 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000880-004 95 80 0648 197-1 D-EVB 2003 EVB
VT 114 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000880-005 95 80 0648 198-9 D-EVB 2003 EVB
VT 115 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000880-006 95 80 0648 199-7 D-EVB 2003 EVB
VT 116 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000231-001 95 80 0648 001-5 D-BE 2000 BE
VT 117 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000231-002 95 80 0648 002-3 D-BE 2000 BE
VT 118 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000231-003 95 80 0648 003-1 D-BE 2000 BE
VT 119 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000231-004 95 80 0648 004-9 D-BE 2000 BE
VT 120 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000231-005 95 80 0648 005-6 D-BE 2000 BE
VT 121 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1000231-006 95 80 0648 006-4 D-BE 2000 BE
VT 201.1 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001570-001 95 80 0648 401-7 D-HEB 2006 HLB
VT 202.1 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001570-002 95 80 0648 402-5 D-HEB 2006 HLB
VT 203.1 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001570-003 95 80 0648 403-3 D-HEB 2006 HLB
VT 204.1 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001570-004 95 80 0648 404-1 D-HEB 2006 HLB
VT 205.1 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001570-005 95 80 0648 405-8 D-HEB 2006 HLB
VT 206.1 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001570-006 95 80 0648 406-6 D-HEB 2006 HLB
VT 207.1 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001570-007 95 80 0648 407-4 D-HEB 2006 HLB
VT 208.1 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001570-008 95 80 0648 408-2 D-HEB 2006 HLB
VT 209.1 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001570-009 95 80 0648 409-0 D-HEB 2006 HLB
VT 210 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 001 95 80 0648 210-2 D-BRB 2008 2022 BRB Baptismal name: Augsburg
VT 210.1 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001570-010 95 80 0648 410-8 D-HEB 2006 HLB Baptismal name: St. Etienne (Rhone-Alpes)
VT 210 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 001 95 80 0648 210-2 D-EIB 2008 EB
VT 211 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 002 95 80 0648 211-0 D-BRB 2008 2022 BRB Baptismal name: Kissing
VT 211 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 002 95 80 0648 211-0 D-EIB 2008 EB
VT 212 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 003 95 80 0648 212-8 D-BRB 2008 2018 BRB Baptismal name: Mering
VT 212 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 003 95 80 0648 212-8 D-BRB 2008 2022 ABRN rented from BRB
VT 212 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 003 95 80 0648 212-8 D-EIB 2008 EB
VT 213 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 004 95 80 0648 213-6 D-BRB 2008 2022 BRB Baptismal name: Merching
VT 213 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 004 95 80 0648 213-6 D-EIB 2008 EB
VT 214 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 005 95 80 0648 214-4 D-BRB 2008 03.2023 BRB Baptismal name: Schmiechen
VT 215 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 006 95 80 0648 215-1 D-BRB 2008 07.05.2018 BRB Baptismal name: Egling
VT 216 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 007 95 80 0648 216-9 D-BRB 2008 11.2022 BRB Baptismal name: Geltendorf
VT 217 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 008 95 80 0648 217-7 D-BRB 2008 11.2022 BRB Baptismal name: Eresing und St. Ottilien
VT 218 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 009 95 80 0648 218-5 D-BRB 2008 11.2022 BRB Baptismal name: Schondorf
VT 219 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 010 95 80 0648 219-3 D-BRB 2008 2022 BRB Baptismal name: Utting
VT 219 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 010 95 80 0648 219-3 D-EIB 2008 EB
VT 220 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 011 95 80 0648 220-1 D-BRB 2008 2023 BRB Baptismal name: Dießen
VT 220 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 011 95 80 0648 220-1 D-EIB 2008 EB
VT 221 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 012 95 80 0648 221-9 D-BRB 2008 11.2022 BRB Baptismal name: Raisting
VT 222 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 013 95 80 0648 222-7 D-BRB 2008 03.2023 BRB Baptismal name: Weilheim
VT 223 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 014 95 80 0648 223-5 D-BRB 2008 11.2022 BRB Baptismal name: Peißenberg
VT 224 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 015 95 80 0648 224-3 D-BRB 2008 03.2023 BRB Baptismal name: Hohenpeißenberg
VT 225 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 016 95 80 0648 225-0 D-BRB 2008 09.2018 BRB Baptismal name: Peiting
VT 225 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 016 95 80 0648 225-0 D-BRB 2008 11.2022 DLB oberpfalzbahn
VT 226 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 017 95 80 0648 226-8 D-BRB 2008 11.2022 BRB Baptismal name: Schongau
VT 227 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 018 95 80 0648 227-6 D-BRB 2008 11.2022 BRB Baptismal name: Friedberg
VT 228 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 019 95 80 0648 228-4 D-BRB 2008 03.2023 BRB Baptismal name: Dasing
VT 229 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 020 95 80 0648 229-2 D-BRB 2008 03.2023 BRB Baptismal name: Obergriesbach
VT 230 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 021 95 80 0648 230-0 D-BRB 2008 03.2023 BRB Baptismal name: Aichach
VT 231 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 022 95 80 0648 231-8 D-BRB 2008 03.2023 BRB Baptismal name: Kühbach und Radersdorf
VT 232 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 023 95 80 0648 232-6 D-BRB 2008 02.2023 BRB Baptismal name: Schrobenhausen
VT 233 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 024 95 80 0648 233-4 D-BRB 2008 03.2023 BRB Baptismal name: Ingolstadt
VT 234 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 025 95 80 0648 234-2 D-BRB 2008 03.2023 BRB Baptismal name: Eichstätt
VT 235 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 026 95 80 0648 235-9 D-BRB 2009 11.2022 BRB Baptismal name: Alles drin: Augsburg, Ammersee, Altmühltal!
VT 236 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 027 95 80 0648 236-7 D-BRB 2010 11.2022 BRB Baptismal name: Wittelsbacher Land
VT 237 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001680 028 95 80 0648 237-5 D-BRB 2010 11.2022 BRB
VT 242 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 95 80 1648 252-2 D-VIASR 2017 VIAS
VT 251 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-001 95 80 0648 151-8 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 251 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-001 95 80 0648 151-8 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 252 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-002 95 80 0648 152-6 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 252 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-002 95 80 0648 152-6 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 253 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-003 95 80 0648 153-4 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 253 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-003 95 80 0648 153-4 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 254 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-004 95 80 0648 154-2 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 254 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-004 95 80 0648 154-2 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 255 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-005 95 80 0648 155-9 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 255 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-005 95 80 0648 155-9 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 256 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-006 95 80 0648 156-7 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 256 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-006 95 80 0648 156-7 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 257 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-007 95 80 0648 157-5 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 257 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-007 95 80 0648 157-5 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 258 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-008 95 80 0648 158-3 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 258 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-008 95 80 0648 158-3 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 259 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-009 95 80 0648 159-1 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 259 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-009 95 80 0648 159-1 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 260 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-010 95 80 0648 160-9 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 260 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-010 95 80 0648 160-9 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 261 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-011 95 80 0648 161-7 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 261 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-011 95 80 0648 161-7 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 262 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-012 95 80 0648 162-5 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 262 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-012 95 80 0648 162-5 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 263 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-013 95 80 0648 163-3 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 263 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-013 95 80 0648 163-3 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 264 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-014 95 80 0648 164-1 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 264 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-014 95 80 0648 164-1 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 265 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-015 95 80 0648 165-8 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 265 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-015 95 80 0648 165-8 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 266 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-016 95 80 0648 166-6 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 266 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-016 95 80 0648 166-6 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 267 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-017 95 80 0648 167-4 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 267 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-017 95 80 0648 167-4 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 268 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-018 95 80 0648 168-2 D-VCT 2004 12.2014 VCT
VT 268 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001188-018 95 80 0648 168-2 D-HEB 2004 HLB
VT 270 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 001 95 80 0648 010-6 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 271 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 002 95 80 0648 011-4 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 272 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 003 95 80 0648 012-2 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 273 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 004 95 80 0648 013-0 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 274 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 005 95 80 0648 014-8 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 275 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 006 95 80 0648 015-5 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 276 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 007 95 80 0648 016-3 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 277 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 008 95 80 0648 017-1 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 278 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 009 95 80 0648 018-9 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 279 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 010 95 80 0648 019-7 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 280 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 011 95 80 0648 020-5 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 281 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 012 95 80 0648 021-3 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 282 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 013 95 80 0648 022-1 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 283 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 014 95 80 0648 023-9 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 284 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 015 95 80 0648 024-7 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 285 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 016 95 80 0648 025-4 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 286 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 017 95 80 0648 026-2 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 287 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 018 95 80 0648 027-0 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 288 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 019 95 80 0648 028-8 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 289 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 020 95 80 0648 029-6 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 290 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 021 95 80 0648 030-4 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 291 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 022 95 80 0648 031-2 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 292 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 0001001600 023 95 80 0648 032-0 D-HEB 2011 HLB
VT 298 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2001-704a 95 80 0648 298-7 D-BOBy 2001 2022 BOB
VT 298 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2001-704a 95 80 0648 298-7 D-TDRO 2001 TDRO
VT 301 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-301a 95 80 0648 361-3 D-NOB 2000 12.2011 NOB
VT 302 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-302a 95 80 0648 362-1 D-NOB 2000 12.2014 NOB
VT 302 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-302a 95 80 0648 362-1 D-HEX 2000 12.2018 Transdev Sachsen-Anhalt
VT 302 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-302a 95 80 0648 362-1 D-HEX 2000 10.2019 erixx GmbH rented from Transdev Sachsen-Anhalt
VT 303 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-303a 95 80 0648 363-9 D-NOB 2000 12.2011 NOB
VT 304 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-304a 95 80 0648 364-7 D-NOB 2000 12.2011 NOB
VT 305 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-305a 95 80 0648 365-4 D-NOB 2000 12.2014 NOB
VT 305 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-305a 95 80 0648 365-4 D-HEX 2000 12.2018 Transdev Sachsen-Anhalt
VT 305 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-305a 95 80 0648 365-4 D-HEX 2000 10.2019 erixx GmbH rented from Transdev Sachsen-Anhalt
VT 306 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-306a 95 80 0648 366-2 D-NOB 2000 12.2014 NOB
VT 307 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-307a 95 80 0648 367-0 D-NOB 2000 12.2011 NOB
VT 308 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-308a 95 80 0648 368-8 D-NOB 2000 11.2011 NOB
VT 308 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-308a 95 80 0648 368-8 D-HEX 2000 12.2018 Transdev Sachsen-Anhalt
VT 309 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-309a 95 80 0648 369-6 D-NOB 2000 12.2011 NOB
VT 362 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-302a 95 80 0648 362-1 D-ERB 2000 06.2020 ERB
VT 365 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 2000-305a 95 80 0648 365-4 D-ERB 2000 06.2020 ERB
1648 401 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 001 95 80 1648 401-5 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 402 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 002 95 80 1648 402-3 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 403 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 003 95 80 1648 403-1 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 404 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 004 95 80 1648 404-9 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 405 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 005 95 80 1648 405-6 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 406 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 006 95 80 1648 406-4 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 407 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 007 95 80 1648 407-2 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 408 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 008 95 80 1648 408-0 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 409 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 009 95 80 1648 409-8 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 410 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 010 95 80 1648 410-6 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 411 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 011 95 80 1648 411-4 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 412 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 012 95 80 1648 412-2 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 413 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 013 95 80 1648 413-0 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 414 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 014 95 80 1648 414-8 D-ABRM 2018 07.2018 ABRM
1648 414 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 014 95 80 1648 414-8 D-ABRN 2018 08.2018 ABRN rented from ABRM
1648 414 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 014 95 80 1648 414-8 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 415 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 015 95 80 1648 415-5 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 416 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 016 95 80 1648 416-3 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 417 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 017 95 80 1648 417-1 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 418 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 018 95 80 1648 418-9 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 419 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 019 95 80 1648 419-7 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 420 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 020 95 80 1648 420-5 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 421 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 021 95 80 1648 421-3 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 422 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 022 95 80 1648 422-1 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 423 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 023 95 80 1648 423-9 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 424 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 024 95 80 1648 424-7 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 425 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 025 95 80 1648 425-4 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 426 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 026 95 80 1648 426-2 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 427 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 027 95 80 1648 427-0 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 428 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 028 95 80 1648 428-8 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 429 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 029 95 80 1648 429-6 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 430 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 030 95 80 1648 430-4 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 431 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 031 95 80 1648 431-2 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 432 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 032 95 80 1648 432-0 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 433 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 033 95 80 1648 433-8 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 434 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 034 95 80 1648 434-6 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 435 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 035 95 80 1648 435-3 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 436 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 036 95 80 1648 436-1 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 437 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 037 95 80 1648 437-9 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 438 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 038 95 80 1648 438-7 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 439 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 039 95 80 1648 439-5 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 440 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 040 95 80 1648 440-3 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 441 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 041 95 80 1648 441-1 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 442 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 042 95 80 1648 442-9 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 443 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 043 95 80 1648 443-7 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM Baptismal name: Bodetal
1648 444 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 044 95 80 1648 444-5 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 445 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 045 95 80 1648 445-2 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 446 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 046 95 80 1648 446-0 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 447 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 047 95 80 1648 447-8 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 448 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 048 95 80 1648 448-6 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 449 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 049 95 80 1648 449-4 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 450 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 050 95 80 1648 450-2 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 451 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 051 95 80 1648 451-0 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 452 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 052 95 80 1648 452-8 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 453 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 053 95 80 1648 453-6 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
1648 454 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 D041455 054 95 80 1648 454-4 D-ABRM 2018 12.2024 ABRM
648 470 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 001 95 80 0648 470-2 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 471 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 002 95 80 0648 471-0 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 472 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 004 95 80 0648 472-8 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 473 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 004 95 80 0648 473-6 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 474 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 005 95 80 0648 474-4 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 475 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 006 95 80 0648 475-1 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 476 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 007 95 80 0648 476-9 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 477 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 008 95 80 0648 477-7 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 478 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 009 95 80 0648 478-5 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 479 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 010 95 80 0648 479-3 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 480 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 011 95 80 0648 480-1 D-ERIXX 2011 2014 erixx GmbH
648 481 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 012 95 80 0648 481-9 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 482 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 013 95 80 0648 482-7 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 483 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 014 95 80 0648 483-5 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 484 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 015 95 80 0648 484-3 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 485 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 016 95 80 0648 485-0 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 486 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 017 95 80 0648 486-8 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 487 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 018 95 80 0648 487-6 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH
648 488 Alstom Coradia LINT 41 1001416 019 95 80 0648 488-4 D-ERIXX 2011 12.2021 erixx GmbH

Records shown: 500 of 3007

««1234 ··· 7»»

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In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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