
List of the vehicles

Belarusian Railway, TCh-4 Luninec

Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Model Serial type Works number ID number Built Written off Note
2М62-0108 2M62 2826/2829 1977 ????
2М62-0113 2M62 16790016/16790008 1977
2М62-0120 2M62 16790032/16790024 1977
2М62-0122 2M62 2987/2989 1977 2002
2М62-0123 2M62 16790057/16790040 1977
2М62-0124 2M62 16790073/16790065 (16802472/16802480) 1977
2М62-0136 2M62 16790099/16790081 1977
2М62-0139 2M62 16790115/16790107 1977
2М62-0140 2M62 16790131/16790123 1977
2М62-0141 2M62 1977
2М62-0142 2M62 16790156/16790149 1977
2М62-0157 2M62 16790172/16790164 1978 2006
2М62-0160 2M62 16790198/16790180 1978
2М62-0172 2M62 1978 ????
2М62-0174 2M62 16790214/16790206 1978
2М62-0175 2M62 04.1978 ≈ 2005
2М62-0189 2M62 3134 16790230/16790222 1978
2М62-0192 2M62 16790255/16790248 1978
2М62-0194 2M62 16790271/16790263 1978
2М62-0273 2M62 16790297/16790289 1979
2М62-0274 2M62 16790313/16790305 1979 2013
2М62-0276 2M62 16790339/16790321 1979
2М62-0284 2M62 16790354/16790347 1979
2М62-0285 2M62 16790370/16790362 1979 Работал в Гомельском ПМС
2М62-0286 2M62 16790396/16790388 1979
2М62-0365 2M62 16790412/16790404 1980
2М62-0366 2M62 16790438/16790420 1980
2М62-0535 2M62 4319 16810699/16810707 1982 2008
2М62-0956 2M62 5226/5208 16790479/16790461 1984 2006 2М62К-0956
2М62-0970 2M62 5268/5267 16791659/16791642 1985 2008
2М62-0974 2M62 5257/5258 16791675/16791667 1985 2006
2М62-0986 2M62 5273/???? 16790495/16790487 1985 ≈ 2000
2М62-0987 2M62 5282/5286 16790511/16790503 1985
2М62-1008 2M62 5345/5351 16790537/16790529 18.05.1985
2М62-1022 2M62 5324/5323 16790552/16790545 06.1985
2М62-1023 2M62 5338/5329 16820458/16820466 06.1985
2М62-1095 2M62 5503/5507 16790594/16790586 1985
2М62-1097 2M62 5505/5504 16790610/16790602 12.1985
2М62-1127 2M62 5629/???? 16791493/16791485 1986 ТР-3
2М62-1131 2M62 5642/5641 16790636/16790628 03.1986
2М62-1132 2M62 5644/5643 16790651/16790644 1986
2М62-1153 2M62 5667/5669 16790677/16790669 1986 ≤ 09.2020
2М62-1230 2M62 5901/5902 16790693/16790685 17.06.1987
2М62У-0050 2M62U 16318016/16318008 1987
2М62У-0051 2M62U 6146/6148 16318032/16318024 1988
2М62У-0053 2M62U 6151/6152 16318057/16318040 15.01.1988 ТР-3 Депо Брест
2М62У-0257 2M62U 6706/6705 16318073/16318065 1990 12.2020
2М62У-0259 2M62U 6703/6704 16318479/16318487 1990 1998
2М62У-0312 2M62U 6812 / 6811 16926230/16926248 1991 1995
2М62У-0314 2M62U 16318099/16318081 05.1991
ТЭ-1335 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 802 10421121 08.1944 05.11.1991
ТЭ-2308 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 27476 10421722 05.1943
ТЭ-2615 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 27793 10421956 1943
ТЭ-3371 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 16497 10422392 04.1943 05.11.1991
ТЭ-4543 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 859 10423069 11.1944
ТЭ-4547 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 863 10423085 12.1944 1988
ТЭ-5033 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 14176 10423291 07.1944
ТЭ-5073 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 14154 10426096 06.1944
ТЭ-5150 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 1159 10423358 06.1943
ТЭ-5265 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 1276 10423440 11.1943
ТЭ-5277 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 1292 10423465 12.1943
ТЭ-5892 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 12318 10424083 02.1943
ТЭ-5945 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 12371 10424190 1943
ТЭ-6003 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 12444 10424299 1943
ТЭ-6203 52 (ТЭ) KDL 1 12644 1943 06.1980
ЧМЭ3-2169 ChME3 9678 15585797 05.1976
ЧМЭ3-2466 ChME3 10159 15585052 07.1977
ЧМЭ3-2750 ChME3 15585573 1978 08.2015
ЧМЭ3-3091 ChME3 15585581 1979
ЧМЭ3-3253 ChME3 15585151 1980 Ремонт депо Жлобин
ЧМЭ3-4522 ChME3 15585599 1984
ЧМЭ3-4535 ChME3 15585607 1984 06.2012 mod -> ТМЭ1-018
ЧМЭ3-4932 ChME3 15585651 (15585615) 1985 12.2015
ЧМЭ3-4951 ChME3 15585623 1989 04.2012 mod -> ТМЭ1-016
ЧМЭ3-5430 ChME3 15585631 1986 2016
ЧМЭ3-5449 ChME3 15585631 1986 БЗ Лунинец
ЧМЭ3-5679 ChME3 1987
Эу679-87 Eu, Em, Er 31.01.1928 02.1966
Эу681-07 Eu, Em, Er 2511 05.1928 1947
Эу682-95 Eu, Em, Er 3118 10.1928 08.1967
Эу683-90 Eu, Em, Er 2598 14.12.1928 1966
Эу699-09 Eu, Em, Er 3259 1929 1967
Эу702-98 Eu, Em, Er 158 5840 1929 early 1950s
Эу703-81 Eu, Em, Er 158 1930 05.1967
Эу704-16 Eu, Em, Er 3302 02.1930 05.1967
Эу704-84 Eu, Em, Er 3370 1930 05.1967
Эу705-97 Eu, Em, Er 2960 1930
Эу706-10 Eu, Em, Er 3395 11.1930 1947
Эу708-24 Eu, Em, Er 1931 05.1967
Эм720-81 Eu, Em, Er 12.1932 03.1958
Эм729-57 Eu, Em, Er 3800 27.01.1934 1947
Эр738-59 Eu, Em, Er 1935
Эр739-91 Eu, Em, Er 12.1935
Эр789-12 Eu, Em, Er 06.1953 1988
Эр790-80 Eu, Em, Er 1954
Эр790-86 Eu, Em, Er 2101 1954
Эр790-98 Eu, Em, Er 1954 1967
Л-1581 L П32 9485 21.02.1951
М62-1122 M62, DM62 1086 1970 2000
М62-1134 M62, DM62 1098 15110810 1970
М62-1167 M62, DM62 1281 15110208 1971 10.2021
М62-1326 M62, DM62 1624 1972
М62-1347 M62, DM62 1645 1972
М62-1486 M62, DM62 1989 15110273 1974
М62-1536 M62, DM62 2180 15110281 1974 06.2024
М62-1549 M62, DM62 2192 15110299 1975
М62-1550 M62, DM62 15110307 1975 2018
М62-1592 M62, DM62 2235 1975 ≈ 2005
М62-1720 M62, DM62 2618 15111040 (15107204) 1976
ДМ62-1831 M62, DM62 6754 1991 2008
ДМ62-1871 M62, DM62 7035 15119050 1994 01.2017
С.54 S 2146 09.1917
ТГК2-3126 TGK2, TGK2-1 1972 01.2023
ТГК2-6888 TGK2, TGK2-1 1984 ≤ 2017
ТГК2-7865 TGK2, TGK2-1 1987
ТГМ23В48-1442 TGM23V 1442 15703002 03.1988 10.2021
ТГМ4-2407 TGM4 15671050 1986 07.2024
ТГМ4-2573 TGM4 15671068 1987 ≈ 2013
ТМЭ1-041 TME1 15617400 2014 ex ЧМЭ3-3886
ТМЭ1-042 TME1 15617418 2014 ex ЧМЭ3-4531
ТМЭ1-043 TME1 15617426 2014 ex ЧМЭ3-4622
ТМЭ1-044 TME1 15617434 2014 ex ЧМЭ3-4172

Records shown: 122 of 122

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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