
List of the vehicles

Northern Railway, Service cars

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Model ID number Built Written off Note
АДЭ1-024 ADE1, MTKP 17531245 2003 ???? ПЧ-10 Буй
АДМ1-588 ADM1 07.2000 2021 Северстройинвест
1АДМ1.3-1510 ADM1 17455106 2008 ≤ 2014 Гарантстрой
АМД1-0014 AMD1 04.1997 1997 ПЧ-37 Елецкая
АС01-095 AS01 19801091 2018
ДГку-2009 DGku 18260091 ???? ПЧ-7 Иваново
КЖ1572Б-13 KZh1572
Север-02 Nord 19802446 2010 Ярославский РЦДМ
ПК18.5-135 PK18.5 1937
ПК18.5-5089 PK18.5
ЩОМ2000-001 SchOM2000 19138783 2017
СДПМ-2576 SDP, SDPM, SDPM2 19375765 ???? ПЧ-3 Данилов
СПП-019 SPP 2013 ≈ 2016
ТЭС ПСС1К-119 TES PSS1K 19316546 2017 ПЧ-7 Иваново

Records shown: 15 of 15

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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