
List of the vehicles

Gorky Railway, Vyksa Metallurgical plant

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Model Serial type Works number ID number Built Written off Note
159-566 159P type 1938
ДГку/5-4983 DGku 1987
Эх.2788 E 2788 23.03.1923
Эш.4022 E 1207 1922
EDK300/2 EDK300/2 № 5
EDK300/2-120 EDK300/2 1979
EDK500/1-669 EDK500/1 1989
Эу684-85 Eu, Em, Er 158 5809 1929
Эм711-91 Eu, Em, Er 3237 10.1931 1978
Эм721-11 Eu, Em, Er 3701 1932
КДЭ163-270 KDE163 09.1973
КЖ561-203 KZh561
КЖ561-225 KZh561 1997
КЖ561-271 KZh561 1991
КЖ561-288 KZh561 1999
КЖ561-295 KZh561 1999
КЖ561-322 KZh561 07.2000
КЖ561-330 KZh561 2000
КЖ971-58 KZh971 19020049
КЖДЭ25-295 KZhDE25 1989
МСШУ3-346 MSSHU3 1977
ПРМ5ПМ-010 PRM5PM 1992
СМ2А-824 SM2 1978
3 Steam locomotives 133 4179 1912 "Лесовик"
ЦУМЗ1-91 TcUMZ1 1941
ТЭМ18-355 TEM18 2007 № 20
ТЭМ18-398 TEM18 2008 № 23
ТЭМ18-399 TEM18 2008 № 24
ТЭМ18-400 TEM18 2008 № 25
ТЭМ2-153 TEM2, TEM2A 1969 2017 № 31
ТЭМ2-6206 TEM2, TEM2A 1979 № 10
ТЭМ2-6553 TEM2, TEM2A 1980 2019 № 33
ТЭМ2-7447 TEM2, TEM2A 15337447 1983
ТЭМ2УМ-203 TEM2UM 15454556 1989 № 5
ТЭМ2УМ-322 TEM2UM 15454572 1990 № 21
ТЭМ2УМ-388 TEM2UM 1990 № 26
ТЭМ2УМ-400 TEM2UM 1990 № 32
ТЭМ2УМ-711 TEM2UM 1991 № 7
ТЭМ2УМ-843 TEM2UM 1992 № 17
ТГМ4-821 TGM4 1976 № 23
ТГМ4-1047 TGM4 1978
ТГМ4-1292 TGM4 1979 2017
ТГМ4-1559 TGM4 1981 2020 № 15
ТГМ4-1699 TGM4 1982 2020 № 1
ТГМ4-3017 TGM4 1989 2020 № 22
ТГМ4А-2749 TGM4A, TGM4L 1988 2020 №4
ТГМ4Б-0869 TGM4B 1993 №14
ТГМ4Б-0947 TGM4B 2000 №2
ТГМ4Б-0958 TGM4B 2000 № 6
ТГМ4Б-0960 TGM4B 2000 № 8
ТГМ4Б-0963 TGM4B 2000 №11
ТГМ4Б-0968 TGM4B 2001 №16
ТГМ4Б-0992 TGM4B 2006 №12
ТГМ4Б-0996 TGM4B 2006 №13
ТГМ4Б-0997 TGM4B 2006 №19
ТГМ4Б-1005 TGM4B 2006 № 18
ТГМ4Б-1007 TGM4B 2006 №3
ТГМ4Б-1077 TGM4B 2014 №28
ТУ7-1128 TU7 1978 06.1986
ТУ7-1372 TU7 1979 2004
ТУ7-2171 TU7 1983 2004
В.29 V (2-3-0) 1896
ВПРС-Л-03 VPRS-L 1999
ВПРС02-167 VPRS02 2014
ТЭМ9-0012 ТEM9 2010 № 27
ТЭМ9-0124 ТEM9 06.2020 №29
ТЭМ9-0125 ТEM9 06.2020 №31
ТЭМ9-0127 ТEM9 07.2020 № 33
ТЭМ9-0128 ТEM9 07.2020 № 34
ТЭМ9-0141 ТEM9 2 10.2020
ТЭМ9-0142 ТEM9 4 04.2020 АО «ОМК»
ТЭМ9-0143 ТEM9 10.2020 № 35
ТЭМ9-0144 ТEM9 10.2020 №36
ТЭМ9-0215 ТEM9 27.08.2024
ТЭМ9-0216 ТEM9 29.08.2024

Records shown: 75 of 75

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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