

North Caucasus RailwaySouth direction speed train
 October RailwayTCh-10 Management of high-speed railways (Metallostroy)

Railway District/Company:North Caucasus Railway
Depot:South direction speed train
Model:ES1 "Lastochka"
Builder:Siemens   Сrefeld
Category:Electric Suburban
Current condition: In operation 
Построен в пятивагонной составности.
С завода поступил в Северо-Западную дирекцию скоростного сообщения.
23.01.2013 — совершил первый рейс с пассажирами до станции Новгород-на-Волхове.
С 09.2018 передан в парк Южной дирекциии скоростного сообщения

Railway District/Company:North Caucasus Railway
Depot:South direction speed train
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
September 2018
Railway District/Company:October Railway
Depot:TCh-10 Management of high-speed railways (Metallostroy)
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Lists of rolling stock:
—  North Caucasus Railway → South direction speed train → ES1 "Lastochka"
—  October Railway → TCh-10 Management of high-speed railways (Metallostroy) → ES1 "Lastochka"
—  North Caucasus Railway → South direction speed train
—  October Railway → TCh-10 Management of high-speed railways (Metallostroy)
—  North Caucasus Railway → ES1 "Lastochka"
—  October Railway → ES1 "Lastochka"
—  ES1 "Lastochka"