

Railway District/Company:Estonian Railway
Depot:Tallinn-Kopli [closed in 11.2003]
Builder:MÁVAG Mozdony- és Gépgyár   Budapest
Serial type:DVM4-5
Works number:444
Written off:1992
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
С завода поступил на Эстонскую ж. д.

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СССР, Эстонская ССР, депо Таллин-Копли
USSR, Estonian SSR, Tallinn-Kopli depot

Фото из коллекции. Автор — Yves Steenebruggen.

Wednesday, June 6, 1990
Received from Andrew1967

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Lists of rolling stock:
—  Estonian Railway → Tallinn-Kopli [closed in 11.2003] → VME1
—  Estonian Railway → Tallinn-Kopli [closed in 11.2003]
—  Estonian Railway → VME1
—  VME1