

≤ 2014
East Siberian RailwayTChE-9 Vihorevka
 Private carriersL-Trans, Ltd.

Railway District/Company:East Siberian Railway
Depot:TChE-9 Vihorevka
Model:3ES5K "Ermak"
Builder:Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant   Novocherkassk
Identification number:11379880/11379898/11379906
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
25.12.2017 г. — СР Улан-Удэнский ЛВРЗ
13.09.2020 г. — ТР-3 СЛД-78 Нижнеудинское
27.08.2023 г. — СР Улан-Удэнский ЛВРЗ

Railway District/Company:East Siberian Railway
Depot:TChE-9 Vihorevka
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
2014 or earlier
Railway District/Company:Private carriers
Depot:L-Trans, Ltd.
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 07.2012  —  Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:
—  East Siberian Railway → TChE-9 Vihorevka → 3ES5K "Ermak"
—  Private carriers → L-Trans, Ltd. → 3ES5K "Ermak"
—  East Siberian Railway → TChE-9 Vihorevka
—  Private carriers → L-Trans, Ltd.
—  East Siberian Railway → 3ES5K "Ermak"
—  Private carriers → 3ES5K "Ermak"
—  3ES5K "Ermak"