
650 567-0

Railway District/Company:Germany private carriers
Depot:Hanseatische Eisenbahn GmbH
Model:Regio-Shuttle RS1
Works number:VT 650.06
Identification number:95 80 0650 567-0 D-HANS
Current condition: In operation 
Until 2009: working for the Prignitzer Eisenbahn
2009: vehicle fire in Nassenheide; train parked from now on
December 2014: takeover by Hanseatische Eisenbahn; complete reconstruction of the train
Since 2015: use as a replacement train

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Lists of rolling stock:
—  Germany private carriers → Hanseatische Eisenbahn GmbH → Regio-Shuttle RS1
—  Germany private carriers → Hanseatische Eisenbahn GmbH
—  Germany private carriers → Regio-Shuttle RS1
—  Regio-Shuttle RS1