
223 066

223 066
Germany private carriersDie Länderbahn GmbH (DLB)alex

Railway District/Company:Germany private carriers
Depot:Die Länderbahn GmbH (DLB)
Model:223 (Siemens Eurorunner)
Builder:Siemens AG   Siemens AG
Works number:21454
Identification number:92 80 1 223 066-2 D-DLB
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Abandoned / Dead storage 
Parked due to a collision with ČD 844 006-7 near the Radonice overtaking station.

Rental by Alpha Trains Europa GmbH

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Identification number:92 80 1 223 066-2 D-DLB
November 2015
Identification number:92 80 1 223 066-2 D-VBG
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698 KB

612 076

Германия, Бавария, главный вокзал Линдау
Germany, Bavaria, Lindau main station
Deutschland, Bayern, Lindau Hauptbahnhof

BR 223 066 of Die Länderbahn (alex) including a passenger car is in Lindau main station, ready to depart towards Munich. Next to it is BR 612 076 from DB Regio. (Author: "JoachimKohlerBremen")

Saturday, September 7, 2013
Received from ZugBus

 02.10.2007  —  Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:
—  Germany private carriers → Die Länderbahn GmbH (DLB) → 223 (Siemens Eurorunner)
—  Germany private carriers → Die Länderbahn GmbH (DLB)
—  Germany private carriers → 223 (Siemens Eurorunner)
—  223 (Siemens Eurorunner)