120 104
Railway District/Company: | Germany private carriers |
Depot: | Other |
Model: | 120 |
Serial type: | BR 120.1 |
Works number: | 32882 |
Identification number: | 91 80 6120 104-5 D-SEL |
Built: | 1987 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Current condition: | In operation |
Note: | Martin Schlünß Eisenbahnlogistik |
Since 12/2023: Rental by Nürnberger Leasing GmbH |
№: | 120 104 |
Railway District/Company: | Germany private carriers |
Depot: | Other |
Model: | 120 |
Serial type: | BR 120.1 |
Works number: | 32882 |
Identification number: | 91 80 6120 104-5 D-SEL |
Built: | 1987 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Note: | Martin Schlünß Eisenbahnlogistik |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) December 2023 | ↑ |
№: | 120 104 |
Railway District/Company: | Germany, Other |
Depot: | DB Stillstandsmanagement (SSM) |
Model: | 120 |
Serial type: | BR 120.1 |
Works number: | 32882 |
Identification number: | 91 80 6120 104-5 D-DB |
Built: | 1987 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | 120 104 |
Railway District/Company: | DB Fernverkehr |
Depot: | München West |
Model: | 120 |
Serial type: | BR 120.1 |
Works number: | 32882 |
Identification number: | 91 80 6120 104-5 D-DB |
Built: | 1987 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot May 1999 | ↑ |
№: | 120 104 |
Railway District/Company: | DB Fernverkehr |
Depot: | Nürnberg |
Model: | 120 |
Serial type: | BR 120.1 |
Works number: | 32882 |
Identification number: | 91 80 6120 104-5 D-DB |
Built: | 1987 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | 120 104 |
Railway District/Company: | DB Fernverkehr |
Depot: | Nürnberg |
Model: | 120 |
Serial type: | BR 120.1 |
Works number: | 32882 |
Identification number: | 91 80 6120 104-5 D-DB |
Built: | 1987 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) January 1994 | ↑ |
№: | 120 104 |
Railway District/Company: | DB - Deutsche Bundesbahn |
Depot: | Nürnberg 1 |
Model: | 120 |
Serial type: | BR 120.1 |
Works number: | 32882 |
Identification number: | 91 80 6120 104-5 D-DB |
Built: | 1987 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
↑ 18.12.1987 — Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)
Lists of rolling stock:
— Germany private carriers → Other → 120
— Germany, Other → DB Stillstandsmanagement (SSM) → 120
— DB Fernverkehr → München West → 120
— DB Fernverkehr → Nürnberg → 120
— DB - Deutsche Bundesbahn → Nürnberg 1 → 120
— DB - Deutsche Bundesbahn → Nürnberg 2 → 120
— Germany private carriers → Other
— Germany, Other → DB Stillstandsmanagement (SSM)
— DB Fernverkehr → München West
— DB Fernverkehr → Nürnberg
— DB - Deutsche Bundesbahn → Nürnberg 1
— DB - Deutsche Bundesbahn → Nürnberg 2
— Germany private carriers → 120
— Germany, Other → 120
— DB Fernverkehr → 120
— DB - Deutsche Bundesbahn → 120
— 120