
List of series and models

October Railway, Central museum of railway transport

Sort by:  alphabet  ·  quantity

In the “Quantity” column: all vehicles / in service only.

Models in regular service

Su 2 / 0 List
ChME3 1 / 0 List
ChS3 1 / 0 List
Sm3, Sd 1 / 0 List
TEM1 1 / 0 List
Total6 / 0

Models out of service

2M62U List
2TE10L, 2TE10V List
CHME2 List
ChS1 List
ChS2 List
ChS200 List
Da List
L List
M62, DM62 List
P36 List
PK-CUMZ-15 List
S160 List
Ss, Sm List
TE1 List
TEM3 List
TEP80 List
Tr2, Еа, Ем List
Type 62 List
VL22 List