
List of series and models

Northern Railway, TChE-1 Yaroslavl'-Glavnyj

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In the “Quantity” column: all vehicles / in service only.

Models in regular service

VL11, VL11.8, VL11.8U 61 / 58 List
VL11m, VL11M4, VL11M5, VL11M6 36 / 35 List
ChME3 15 / 12 List
VL10U 10 / 10 List
TEM14 7 / 5 List
RVR DR1A 3 / 1 List
TEM18D, TEM18DM 3 / 3 List
ACh2 2 / 2 List
2TE10L, 2TE10V 1 / 0 List
KZh462 1 / 1 List
L 1 / 1 List
LV 1 / 1 List
P36 1 / 1 List
VL10 1 / 1 List
Total143 / 131

Models out of service