
List of series and models

Zabaikal Railway, Other

Sort by:  alphabet  ·  quantity

In the “Quantity” column: all vehicles / in service only.

Models in regular service

TU10 3 / 3 List
KZh462 1 / 1 List
TEM1 1 / 0 List
TEM2UM 1 / 1 List
Total6 / 5

Models out of service

2M62 List
Da List
Ef List
Eu, Em, Er List
Kp4 List
M62, DM62 List
P36 List
PK18.5 List
TE2 List
TE3 List
Tr2, Еа, Ем List
VL60 (N6O) List
VL80K, VL80T List
VL80S List
VP List
ИС List